Delivering Social Value Impact in practice

Government Property Conference 2017
2nd February 2017
QEII Centre, London
The government is the largest asset holder in the UK, its assets cover many workplace types/sectors and its strategic planning and practice will have implications across the public sector impacting on communities. The Government Property 2017 conference, held in partnership with the Cabinet Office‘s Government Property Unit, is a unique opportunity to better understand the Government Estate Strategy and to get closer to the centre of government thinking on the future of publicly owned and managed land and property.
With an ever increasing focus on social value generation Perfect Circle along with its Scape Partners consider how we currently capture social value and how experiences to date can inform better strategies for the future. Darren Crocker, a Director of Perfect Circle, will particularly focus on his work to drive social value in a multi-faceted programme with a disparate supply chain: creating value chains that equate to a sum greater than its parts instead of diluting outcomes in smaller contractual arrangements.
Darren with Krish Raichura (Scape Procure), Alison Symmers (Willmott Dixon Foundation) and Huw Evans (Kier Group) will be presenting ‘Delivering social value impact in practice’. The session sets out key legislative directives behind social impact delivery and will explore best practice examples.
Follow us on social media @GleedsGlobal, @AECOMGovernment, @AECOMBuildPlace, @PickEverard, @Scape_Group, @kiergroup @WillmottDixon, @UKGovProperty, @CabinetOfficeUK; #PerfectCircleJV #TeamScape #GovProp17