How can the commercialisation of public sector assets drive local sustainable economic growth?

exceeding industry standards

Perfect Circle will be presenting a seminar “How can the commercialisation of public sector assets drive local sustainable economic growth?” at 12 noon on 30th November at the 11th Annual Public Sector Assets and Estates Management Conference 2017 to be held at Queen Elizabeth II Conference Centre, London.

The conference has been designed to provide delegates with insights into the latest approaches and strategies for effective assets and estates management across central government, local authorities and the wider public sector.

The public sector is tasked with the challenge of delivering front line services with a reducing revenue budget. The incoming local authority financing arrangements equally provide an imperative for Councils to drive economic growth within their boundaries. These tasks are often seen as mutually exclusive.

Opportunities to cut costs further are reducing and a number of public sector bodies are now looking at ways to leverage additional revenue from their surplus property portfolio to offset the cost of service delivery. This revenue raising can place the public sector in the role of investor, developer and a key player in unlocking new developments to drive economic growth.

Taking a commercial approach to property investment with a well-managed, balanced portfolio, can replace the need to find further savings elsewhere in operating budgets whilst also delivering an economic and socially sustainable strategy.

Perfect Circle are delighted to have the opportunity for the second year running to present with Krish Raichura from Scape Procure . Darren Crocker and Lee Summersgill will creatively demonstrate an engaging and innovative approach for public bodies to consider in their drive for an efficient and sustainable estate strategy.

Darren Crocker has delivered asset management and commercialisation strategies for a diverse range of public sector bodies. Both a Chartered Surveyor and Chartered Procurement Specialist, Darren has been involved in developing a number of highly innovative contractual solutions to enhance asset management and value creation.

Lee Summersgill works with public sector organisations to help them take a more strategic approach to asset management and investment and to use their own investment capability as a catalyst for economic growth. Originally trained as an accountant, he has spent 15 years forming and delivering property transactions that bring together the public and private sectors into PFI projects, assets backed vehicles, housing companies and long term strategic partnerships.