Perfect Circle People | Helen Cooper

Helen Cooper Stantec

With over 35,000 experts working across our industry leading partners, we have plenty of Perfect Circle People to get to know better. In the first of our series, we find talk to Helen Cooper who has recently joined Stantec, one of Perfect Circle’s preferred partners.  

Name | Helen Cooper

Job Title | Programme Lead

Perfect Circle Partner | Stantec 

A little bit about Helen
I started life with a love for STEM subjects, completing a degree in Physics. My professional career then started as an air traffic controller, becoming a project manager first in the defence, then the nuclear sector. I progressed into programme leadership, before I made the change to business development manager and then senior bid manager, predominantly across the nuclear and defence sectors, as this offered a unique challenge. 

I have come back to programme leadership with a renewed vigour and drive to deliver, with knowledge and experience across a variety of disciplines.

Career highlight 
It has to be being deployed to the London 2012 Olympic Games for eight weeks. I was part of a team ensuring the Games remained safe, working long hours and to strict deadlines to provide assurance that there were no incidents each day of the events. 

But I also really enjoy winning large tenders when leading bid teams - the stress and late nights do pay off!

What gets you out of bed in the morning?
Usually my one-eyed Husky/ Labrador cross, Pen. He is a 4-year-old rescue from Cyprus and lost his eye through human cruelty – thankfully, he now lives the life of a lord, enjoying running with me through the Lake District. 

Helen Cooper 2 Stantec

What does a typical day look like?
My day typically starts with an early catch-up with the wider team, either in person or on Teams, followed by client meetings. Currently, I work with a single client organisation. I enjoy collaborating with knowledgeable clients and these meetings are valuable for understanding their challenges and then working with our delivery teams to develop effective solutions.

How much of your workload includes Perfect Circle commissions?
Around 90% at the moment. I work across a few clients and hoping to expand our work with them and add more clients in the next few months. 

What do you like most about your role?
I’m lucky as I get to work with a diverse team of people every day. I feel valued for my inputs, able to use my skills and expertise while delivering challenging projects that keep me on my toes.

If you could switch jobs with someone, who would it be?
Ah great question! It has to be Tim Peake. Since I was a child I have been fascinated by space, going so far as to study physics at university. I haven’t made it to the International Space Station, yet! 

What is your biggest achievement to date (personal or professional)?
I completed the Keswick to Barrow Walk in 2024. It was 38.5 miles in a day and as a team we raised £7000. We also earnt some very sore feet!

Tell us a guilty pleasure that others would be surprised to find out?
My guilty pleasure is spicy food - the hotter the better. Anyone who wants to challenge me, bring it on!