Perfect Circle responds to the COVID-19, PPN 1/20 public procurement note

Perfect Circle – Direct, Assured, Solutions
As the coronavirus pandemic continues to spread, the government has announced it is relaxing procurement rules in specific circumstances.
The COVID-19, PPN 1/20 public procurement note has been published by the Cabinet Office to help contracting authorities get hold of urgently needed goods and services. The changes, which have been introduced immediately, allows the public sector to award contracts directly in cases of “extreme urgency” or in the “absence of competition or protection of exclusive rights”.
Victoria Brambini, managing director at Perfect Circle, said: “It’s really positive to see the government has taken action to ensure critical services and work can get underway quickly. We’re living in such uncertain times and making the procurement process more efficient is vital so public sector organisations can access the goods, services or works they need as soon as possible.
“At Perfect Circle, we deliver the broadest range of consultancy services available to the public sector, working exclusively on Scape Group’s national Built Environment Consultancy Services (BECS) framework, which is the most efficient route to market, allowing direct award for commissioning services with full public procurement compliance.”
The BECS framework significantly reduces the time needed for brief preparation and procurement procedures, enabling earlier delivery of projects and programmes, and all our fees are inclusive.
Victoria added: “The current situation is ever-evolving and in a time where public sector services are absolutely crucial. We have direct access to an extensive supply chain that we will pay quickly, bringing together a strong collaborative team and providing value for money.”
If you have an urgent need to procure a project, please contact us, speak to your Regional Lead or visit