Industrial Estate Access Road, Slyfield, Guildford
In progress
The purpose of the proposed development is to provide a new internal access road within Slyfield Industrial Estate through a former landfill site and Thames Water sludge lagoon. The road, which will facilitate local plan and waste plan policies, is approximately 0.6km in length with three roundabouts.
Footways and dropped crossings are proposed throughout the new road layout. The configuration of the road follows a logical route around existing building footprints and seeks to connect Moorfield Road and Westfield Road, and enable access to future developments that come forward.
Perfect Circle was appointed via Scape Group’s Built Environment Consultancy Services (BECS) framework to undertake detailed drainage design for the overall site and to deliver a sustainable urban drainage system as part of the work. This includes securing relevant Environment Agency and local authority approvals.
The consultancy will also provide site support and administer the NEC3 contract on behalf of the client. Working with the contractor, Perfect Circle has undertaken value engineering exercises to treat and reuse materials on site, which has resulted in cost and programme savings, as well as a significant environmental benefit by not taking as much material off site and bringing in new material.
The site is situated on a former landfill site and sludge lagoon, resulting in difficult ground conditions. Perfect Circle considered several pavement construction options and developed a solution following on site testing – using dynamic compaction as a method to improve the ground bearing capacity.
Projected outcomes
Over several years, Perfect Circle’s partnership with the client as lead designer has been instrumental in realising the project concept into practical delivery. The Perfect Circle, based locally to both the project and client team, has provided continuity of engineering design services; producing concept, preliminary and detailed designs for planning submissions and technical approval.
The new internal road is key to the wider regeneration of the area, serving as a catalyst for reinvestment in the estate, creating more job opportunities and a new housing estate on a brownfield site. The relocation will improve traffic around the new area for residents, as well as existing and new businesses, attracting more people to the area.
Additional services provided:
Strategic infrastructure: concept, preliminary and detailed design for:
- Highways;
- Flood risk, surface and foul water drainage;
- Specialist pavements;
- Earthworks; and,
- Utilities coordination.
Provision of construction support.