Supply Chain Partners FAQS
Supply Chain Partners
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What is Perfect Circle?
Perfect Circle is an incorporated joint venture, operating as a limited company which is jointly owned by Pick Everard, Gleeds and AECOM.
Who delivers services for Perfect Circle?
Along with the three Principal Partners, a number of Preferred Partners can lead commissions. All prtners work with an extensive supply chain of sub-consultants.
What is SCAPE?
SCAPE is a public sector owned, limited company, governed by Public Law. It is a local authority-controlled company whose shareholders are Derby City, Derbyshire County, Gateshead, Nottingham City, Nottinghamshire County and Warwickshire County Councils.
Its shareholders nominate directors to the Board and have reserved rights under the Shareholders’ Agreement. SCAPE was formed by its shareholders in 2006 under the powers contained in the Local Government Act 1972, Local Government Act 1983 section 95 and the Local Government Act 2000. Its role as a Contracting Authority and Central Purchasing Body was established at the point of its formation. SCAPE has a legal personality, and as such can trade with any organisation. However, as a public sector owned and operated organisation, its main objective is to support the efficient delivery of public sector.
What is SCAPE Consultancy?
SCAPE Consultancy is a direct award, fully compliant procurement solution that represents a route to the most extensive property, construction and infrastructure consultancy services available. The SCAPE Consultancy framework was awarded to Perfect Circle for Lot 1 Built Environment and Lot 2 Infrastructure in 2021 for a four-year term (with the option of a two-year extension) and have a combined value of £600m.
The framework can significantly reduce the time needed for brief preparation and procurement procedures, enabling earlier delivery of projects and programmes. Direct access to Perfect Circle on the SCAPE Consultancy framework provides clients with access to an extensive supply chain, combining the strongest collaborative team with value for money while amplifying the local economic, environmental and social impact of every project.
What does ‘direct award’ mean?
Direct award is a method by which a public sector organisation can directly call off services from a framework Partner without the need for conducting any further competition.
What is meant by social value?
The Public Services (Social Value) Act 2012 requires “public authorities to have regard to economic, social and environmental wellbeing in connection with public services contracts”.
There is no conclusive list of what these benefits may be and therefore must be considered in the context of local needs. As a result, all public sector projects must contribute to the long-term wellbeing of communities.
How do I become a Perfect Circle supply chain partner?
A step-by-step process is on the supply chain partner hub.
Suppliers can register interest by completing Perfect Circle’s contact form or by contacting a Regional Lead for more information.
What insurances and warranties will I need to present to become a supply chain partner?
Insurances required will vary depending on the services the supplier offers and will form part of the approval journey and completion of the supply chain pre-qualification process, in line with PAS 91 and other system requirements. Contact a Regional Lead for more information
Who will hold the appropriate insurances such as Professional Indemnity?
For each appointment (Delivery Agreement) under the Framework, one of the Partners will be appointed by Perfect Circle as the Contract Lead Partner to provide the lead services and manage all sub-contracted supply chain services and to perform all of Perfect Circle’s obligations under the agreement. This is all achieved through the following suite of documents:
1: Delivery Agreement – entered into between the Contracting Authority (the ‘Employer’) and Perfect Circle JV Ltd (the ‘Consultant’);
2: Step Down Agreement – this is the agreement entered into between Perfect Circle JV Ltd and the Contract Lead Partner on an individual project. In effect, this ‘steps down’ Perfect Circle’s obligations under the Delivery Agreement to the Partner leading on service delivery. However, from the ‘Employers’ perspective, its contract is with Perfect Circle.
3: Consultant Warranty – as noted above, there is no direct contract between the Contracting Authority and the service delivery Partners. It is therefore considered appropriate that all service delivery Partners be obliged to provide a Warranty in favour of the Contracting Authority to establish a duty of care.
Need more support?
Please contact our Development Director Jamie Madill at